What I'm Making    

My favorite things to make are garments, which has landed me in a bit of a pickle. In early 2020 I got the all-clear from my nephrologist to resume a normal lifestyle. I had been on the renal diet for 3 years at that point. This meant I didn't have to measure and track every single thing that entered my mouth. I was free to share a meal with loved ones, grab a coffee before work, have my favorite snacks! As you can imagine, I gained a pretty significant amount of weight once those restrictions were lifted. I don't regret gaining weight; it means I didn't just survive - I'm thriving!

The only trouble is, I had a 75% handmade wardrobe that I really loved. Obviously none of the items I had made fit me anymore.

And that's okay! I would love to get back to a primarily me-made wardrobe. Trouble is, I also have analysis-paralysis really bad. I've been dragging my feet but now the situation is getting kind of dire as the ready-made clothes I got a few years ago when my weight stabilized are starting to look shabby. I've either got to start making things or I need to go shopping and I know which one I'd prefer!!


1/25/25 - Instant gratification! I knit a Dahlia Hair Tie Bow by Isabel Cecilia in about 2 hours with some scrap mohair yarn held double. I wasn't too worried about gauge but I managed to get it anyway on size 4 needles.