Watching Through the Law & Order Universe

The Law & Order shared universe has been on American televisions since 1990 and contains literally thousands of episodes. I can't resist inventing complicated media challenges for myself. I'm also very passionate about making lists and spreadsheets. Therefore, I am attempting to watch through the Law & Order franchise.

Before we go further - this is all just for fun. I watch at my own speed and take breaks from the challenge whenever I feel like it. Also, I am the king, dictator, and emperor of my own media consumption so I'm making whatever arbitrary rules for myself I want.

I'm watching the episodes chronologically by original air date. I am not including the series made in the U. K., Canada, France, or Russia. I'm also not including the documentary/reality series.

Essential information regarding the episodes - such as the original air date - has been taken from the Law & Order Fandom Wiki.

The spreadsheet is currently a work in progress. Check back for updates.

Here is the giant spreadsheet I'm using as a watch log! Everything is ordered by the original airdate of the individual episode. Note that I am also keeping track of how/where I watched. Usually I check out DVDs from the library but I've also named the service that I use to stream things for free...