About Me  

I read a lot - mostly non-fiction and mostly in the form of audiobooks. When I do read fiction, it tends to be either horror or sci-fi. To see what I've finished reading lately, check out my Reading page.

I love making and repairing my own clothing. I also love learning about everyday historical garments/uniforms and the techniques used to make them. More information about what's been keeping my hands busy is found on my Making page.

Back in ye olden days I used to blog about silent films and early 20th century pop culture. Even though I don't watch as many movies as I used to, I still have a soft spot for silents and pre-Code talkies. As an aside, if you ever get the opportunity to see a silent film with live music accompaniment, you should do it!

I'm slowly (re)building my little collection of CDs and DVDs. For years I relied almost entirely on streaming for entertainment. It worked for a time but I've found that this isn't ideal anymore. For one, I live in an area with unreliable internet service so streaming isn't always an option. I also like being able to support artists directly. I've also lost access to a lot of media I really enjoy when licenses change or services disappear. My life is also a lot more stable these days so I'm not filled with dread at the thought of having to pack up and move everything I own at the drop of a hat. Finally, I just think physical media is neat!

The monkeys in my brain require that I must always be in the middle of some giant media consumption project. Right now I'm challenging myself to watch through the extended Law & Order Universe. Progress is tracked here. Next I'm planning to tackle the Star Trek: The Next Generation books...

I collect uranium glass. I only like to buy objects I find at garage sales, thrift stores, or antique stores. Shopping online would be too easy! I also try to limit myself to one of a model/design to prevent the collection from growing out of control. For example, I would only want to own one Cambridge 739 candlestick holder, even if I were to find two or three of them at an estate sale. I'm always on the lookout for a nice china cabinet to display my treasures.

I'm back on Neopets after a roughly 15 year hiatus. I just got my childhood dream pet - a Starry Kacheek! I'm currently working on getting a paint brush to have a Faerie Grundo. Send me a message if you'd like to friend me or use my referral code.